We endeavor to make the process of exploring in-home support services as easy and straightforward as possible.
After you contact us, a representative will reach out to you at the number, or email provided within your inquiry. If we miss you, we will leave a message. We seek to minimize pressure placed on clients and their family members. We wont overwhelm you with calls or messages at any time.
During our initial phone call we will be happy to discuss your current situation, and give detailed explanations of our services, and how they may help. If you wish to proceed further, we'll schedule an in-home interview/evaluation at your convenience.
Our community liaison will meet with you in your home at a time and place of your choosing. An in-person discussion is important for several reasons as it allows for a more personalized and detailed discussion regarding your needs. It also allows our staff to see the home, which helps us recommend services, and develop estimates regarding staffing,
scheduling and materials. Should you choose to move forward, we'll begin the onboarding process.
Care plan development involves creating a comprehensive and individualized roadmap for providing care and support to a person in need. In a home care setting, this begins with a thorough assessment of the individual's physical, emotional and social needs, as well as analyzing any existing medical conditions or other relevant challenges. The assessment process is a systematic and thorough evaluation of in individual's physical, mental, social and emotional well-being, and is aimed at providing a global view of their health status. The assessment is conducted via interviews, record reviews, and on-site environmental evaluation.
Based on this assessment, the company and it's caregivers are able to determine the level of care required. They then proceed to work collaboratively with the individual, and their support system, to set specific goals, outline interventions, establish timelines and schedules.
The care plan is assessed continuously, with official meetings occurring at set points in time. Care plan evaluation meetings will be held at the clients home, and will include supervisory personnel and the direct care providers. These meetings are designed to evaluate the efficacy of the plan, and make any alterations that will better address the client's needs and preferences.